I’m Thankful for American Agriculture

Each year, Thanksgiving rolls around and I am overwhelmed by the thanks given by my family and friends. This year, I decided to join in. 

I’m thankful for the passion God gave me in American Agiculture. 

I’m thankful for the food on my table and in my freezer, and the hard work that I went through to put it there. 

I’m thankful for a job that I look forward to, and one that continues to test my knowledge and fuel my passion.

I’m thankful for the rubber on my tires, the medicine that heals us, and all the other hidden amenities that American Agriculture provides us. 

I’m thankful that each day, farmers get up, look at the sunrise and thank God for allowing them to live their passion and provide for me and my family. 

I’m thankful that farmers are willing to harvest into the night, while their families sleep soundly, all to provide for mine.

I’m thankful to the farmers that miss birthdays, holidays and family gatherings, to care for their livestock with the same passion they show their own family. 

I’m thankful for the freedom I have to ride my horse, check my cows, or just view God’s great glory that makes up American Agriculture. 

I’m thankful for the ability to live on my family farm and wake up each morning to cows mooing, horses neighing, and trees rustling in the wind. 

I’m thankful to go to bed each with a feeling of contentment knowing that my animals are healthy and content. 

I’m thankful for the pure joy of watching a newborn calf take its first steps to nurse on its momma. 

I’m thankful to have experienced the loss of burying the horse that taught me to ride, knowing he lived a long full life.

I am thankful that my sister is providing the knowledge of American Agriculture to the future generations. 

I’m thankful for the technology that allows American Agriculture to safely feed the world, day in and day out. 

I’m thankful for the friends that share in my passion of American Agriculture and push me to continue to grow.

I’m thankful for a family that stands behind me, strong, steady and continually giving, just like American Agriculture.

I’m thankful for American Agriculture. Are you?


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